
Amazing Vim of Vinegar – Cleaning – Body – Health – Pain

Vinegar is so amazing!

Vinegar jugAmazing Vim of Vinegar: For a DIY life, Cleaning & Health.
It is right there in your kitchen cabinet or under the sink where you only think about it on the rare occasion that a recipe calls for it & I bet you know it is great when pickling foods. But did you know that bottle of white (distilled vinegar) has amazing abilities as a green cleaner in your home? Or that glass bottle of Apple cider vinegar could be the answer to fighting pain, cold & flu, stomach issues, allergies & more?

Are you ready to become addicted to learning about all vinegar can do?
Maybe after reading this post you to will realize that vinegar is worth its weight in gold & you wont be able to live without using this great product daily.

Vinegar info:
The general rule with vinegar is use Apple cider vinegar (ACV) for cooking, in food, for pickling & on or in your body
Only use white vinegar for cleaning & anything not on or in your body (ACV can also be used for cleaning) White vinegar should never be consumed, or used in food & not for hair or skin.

Make sure the ACV you buy is not white vinegar with only part acv or white vinegar with caramel coloring (this is happening a lot with store brands, White house & Heinz brands etc)

I recommend you buy a brand of ACV that is raw with the mother for best health benefits, such as Bragg Brand ACV (found at health food stores, & in some grocery stores if they have an organic section)

Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar:

From fan Heather P: Last year my ear suddenly started buzzing like crazy. It actually hurt a bit. So, thinking I had an ear infection, I went to the doc (I'm not a doctor fan, but this was driving me NUTS) and he thought it was water in my ear. He prescribed ear drops and promised they'd do the trick. For the full ten days I took them. They did nothing. I went on suffering like this for another month, not wanting another go-round with the ear drops (which had to be done twice a day and seemed like a lot of annoyance for nothing). Then I read one of your posts about ACV being good for sinus congestion, cholesterol, etc, and thought I'd give it a try, never thinking it would have any effect on the buzz in my ear. Well! The buzzing stopped almost immediately! I was tempted to go back to the doctor and tell him, but I know he'd never believe it. Heather says: I drank 2 capfuls (ACV) a day in a full glass of water.  (Just as a note to others, only use a brand of Apple cider vinegar that is raw, with the mother like Bragg Brand for health benefits)

From Fan S.R.C: I'm a believer. Last week I had the worst stomachache. I went on your page and followed the ACV recipe for tummy aches. Within minutes I felt completely better. Thanks again!


Just some of the ways we use ACV for stomach issues, colds, flu, sinuses, pain, sore throat, heartburn, on skin & hair, in bath, as deodorant, use it as conditioner for the no poo routine etc always add to water when taking. My whole family uses it & I have used it on all ages. My Teens love Bragg acv in water for all kinds of ailments.

Check out all my info links for vinegar on my top 10 list here

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I did another post on using vinegar as a cleaner (among other items) & my journey to doing so & how just using DIY cleaners changed our life. Check it out: Commercial & Natural vs DIY cleaners & your immune system, And I did a blog post on using Bragg ACV for allergies.

Vinegar for cleaning:
Straight 5 percent solution of vinegar kills 99 percent of bacteria, 82 percent of mold, and 80 percent of germs (viruses).

We use white distilled vinegar for multi tasking cleaning, it can be used straight, mixed with water or in DIY recipes. Here and Here are some DIY ideas.

Vinegar cuts through most grease & grime & for tough jobs can be heated. You can add lemon juice or eucalyptus essential oils for a stronger germ fighting grease & grime fighting cleaner.

Just a spray bottle, white vinegar & a few other things & you can replace 99% of commercial cleaners in your home. & you can create cleaners that make you feel safe letting your children help clean with no worries about chemical residue on counters to get on hands & on food. When you clean the tub with vinegar & baking soda or whatever combo you chose you can later fill the tub for bath time with no worries of what got left on the tub surface to get into the bath water & absorb into skin or to get into little ones mouths & eyes.
And the more you use DIY natural green cleaners the easier it becomes & you will become a cleaner mixing savant, so much so the whole process will be 2nd nature.
Don't like the smell of vinegar? that can be fixed as well. Make your own scented vinegar with so many uses, recipe here with other variations.

Apple cider vinegar as instead of conditioner, really?
We use ACV in our no poo recipes, (No poo means not using shampoo) we have every hair type, length & need you can think of in our home & no poo is the best for all of us, the basics of going no poo is using baking soda water as shampoo & using ACV as conditioner I have info here

It is also great for skin & skin issues such as eczema, acne,  psoriasis, contact dermatitis, dry skin, hives. We also use it a a skin toner. Here is some great info from Earth Clinic for using ACV for skin "Beautiful Skin Remedies"

We use ACV for so many things that it would be number 1 on a short list of survival items to have with us. We mainly use the Bragg brand for the best benefits, but even grocery store brands still have benefits. ~Balances pH ~Helps control cholesterol levels ~Increases muscular & nerve strength ~Fights viruses & bacteria ~Improves brain function ~Promotes healthy hair & skin ~Softener of the artery walls ~Increases efficiency of all body processes & elimination ~Pain reducer

I recommend you research the power of vinegar
The information on this site it intended for general inquiry, research & informational purposes only & should not be considered a substitute or replacement for trained medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
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