
Colloidal silver & some of my favorite uses -The Silver Edge Generator

Colloidal silver, Me & DIY life go together perfectly!

Silver edge colloidal silver generatorColloidal silver & DIY why? I never realized just how much I use colloidal silver in my DIY recipes until I got asked. I already did a blog post on my colloidal silver generator, why I bought it, lots of ways I use colloidal silver & links to lots of great ways to use Colloidal Silver here, make sure to check it out for lots more info. Click any of the highlighted links below to read more info on how we use colloidal silver.
+Steve Barwick
+Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids
spray bottleI am not a DR I am just sharing how we use colloidal silver & links for more info for those who wish to research. Always research everything for yourself!

cleaners2We do take a small amount of colloidal silver daily for immune support, we also take a bit extra if we are sick or fighting something off, but 95% or more of our colloidal silver usage is actually not even on or in our body at all. We use it mainly in DIY cleaning. For us Colloidal silver is an amazing go to product we trust & that has been life changing to have my own generator to make my own. Colloidal silver is approved by my teens also, they love to use it in their hair, on skin, bites, cuts, in cleaners & take it for illness. My Teens also grab the colloidal silver to treat any issues their pets may have.

I add CS to almost all of my DIY cleaners, room sprays, cleaning scrubs & pastes, bathroom/kitchen, sanitizing/sanitizer spray, why? Well first of all because it is a safe natural antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral & deodorizer, & as an added plus spraying it around repels roaches & a few other great side effects. And the best way to get it on everything is in your DIY spray cleaners, room sprays, pastes, mop water, on & on (so your DIY cleaners). It also can preserve the DIY product is put into so it wont go bad as fast & CS has the great ability to make other products work better like vinegar, lemon juice, essential oils , Borax & baking soda & other natural ingredients in your DIY life. And some of my favorite CS uses are in combo with other natural items in my daily DIY routines.

We of course also add colloidal silver to our no poo routine rather we use a DIY make ahead shampoo & conditioner or rather we make it per use & colloidal silver helps repel & kill lice .

We add CS to our Laundry if there is a load of clothes from someone sick or that needs disinfecting etc. & Colloidal silver is in our deodorant sprays, & deodorant & in our toothpastes & mouthwash, face washes, foot soaks, creams, whips, in face masks on & on & for things like rosewater & plantain water CS is a great addition to keep them lasting longer & also beyond preserving colloidal silver is a plus in any these products.

Colloidal silver is great for dry skin, irritated skin, oily skin, acne, rashes, poison ivy, infections, pink eye, dandruff, dry brittle hair, thinning hair, athletes foot, toe fungus, pain, Oil pulling, mouth pain, toothaches, abscesses on & on, so adding it to your DIY products is perfect.

TheSilverEdge.comLets use colloidal silver: Since is a great natural preservative, germ & bacteria fighting & anti fungal & cheaply made with my Silver edge micro particle colloidal silver generator. We spray it on all leftovers before adding them to the fridge, it stops food from going bad so fast, & can stop food born illnesses. When we buy lunch meat it gets spray also. Then I read a great article on using colloidal silver in the jars when canning & food preservation here.

ginger2Colloidal silver can also be used in washing fruits & vegetables, washing meats & areas where meats have been cut, washed or prepared & can keep meats fresh longer. I also spray it on things like fresh garlic & ginger to keep them fresher longer. We also give any animals that are feeling sick or appear run down colloidal silver & it can be used on animals for hot spots, sores, rashes, mange, in eyes & ears & has even been known to cure parvo in dogs when given to them. So not just the humans use colloidal silver in our home, cats, dogs, chickens (& other farm animals) even the lizard got CS in his water & got sprayed with CS water when he arrived here injured & nearly dead. I have saved many animals with colloidal silver, sometimes with amazing results within hours. (A great video Pets and Colloidal Silver).

misting spray bottles, travel sizePlants: I also spray plants with colloidal silver to get bugs & molds etc off the leaves & branches & I also water them with it about once a month to help prevent issues  like root rot. (again do not mix CS with peroxide, I also give my plants peroxide but not on the same day)

Spray my eyes & face: Every morning I lightly spray Colloidal silver in each eye to help allergy eyes, it works great, I also mist my face anytime I feel like I have gotten pollen on it from being outside, or if I feel like it needs spraying because I have been out & about & touched my face or for whatever reason.
spray bottle
Piercings/Ears pierced: My youngest daughter just got her ears pierced on Saturday afternoon, as soon as the earrings each went in I sprayed them front & back with colloidal silver & sprayed several more times before bed as I turned the earrings, she's 9 & a complainer (thus the reason I waited for her to decide she wanted her ears done lol). Well she slept all night no issues & before bed said she kept forgetting she had pierced ears because they did not hurt, I have continued about 4 to 5 times a day for the last 4 days with no issues or pain at all for her. Another great reason to keep colloidal silver handy in a glass spray bottle in my purse (see what I carry with me here).

Everyday: We constantly find new uses for many of the items we use in DIY in our home & that is also true of colloidal silver, & it is on my Top 10 list for just that reason, it has many uses & is very versatile, I can make it cheap & it is an awesome multi tasker for cleaning, humans & animals.

What is on my top 10 list? Apple cider vinegar/Bragg ACV/White vinegar, Baking soda, Food grade Diatomaceous earth, Colloidal silver, Raw Coconut oil, Local raw Honey, Lemon juice, Food grade Peroxide, Eucalyptus essential oil, Calcium Montmorillonite clay (Bentonite)
Make sure if you are taking colloidal silver you make yourself or a brand you buy that you request the free emailed safe dosage report here.
DIYME: If I had to pick only 3 items to have with me on a deserted island or in a disaster or whatever the question is that friends like to ask, the 3 items for me would be, Apple cider vinegar, baking soda & Colloidal silver. But if I only could pick one item I am pretty sure I would pick colloidal silver. As a matter of fact my CS generator is going with us on our upcoming vacation (ok so is baking soda, ACV, DE & a couple other things).
Oh & for those who are worried about colloidal silver & taking it & turning blue, this happens when you take too much (everything in moderation, when taking) Or the particle size of your CS is to big (this happens with crude homemade generators mostly) go HERE & HERE for info.
First Ever Colloidal Silver Human Ingestion Safety Study HERE (Great news for the colloidal silver community; it’s going to be harder for the naysayers to spread their lies about colloidal silver safety!)
Is There Really Such a Thing as a "Silver Deficiency" in Humans?: here

The information on this site it intended for general inquiry, research & informational purposes only & should not be considered a substitute or replacement for trained medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
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