
I have 3 Giveaways For you - vintage TRADITiON Tallow Body Balm - LÄRABAR Variety box - Tropical Traditions Lip Moisturizers

3 Giveaways!!!

I love being able to pass great free items onto my fans.

I only review & giveaway items that I will use for me & my family, if my opinion of the product is negative I contact the business & tell them why & I do not write a review at all. Of course will not do a giveaway either if the product(s) do not meet my standards.

So my blogs are both about spreading information about great products that are natural, & about DIY, Homeschool related, eco-friendly & more


I do hope you are enjoying the giveaways & thank you for your support of these giveaways.

For your health & the love of Coconut oil.

I get asked a lot, What Brands of coconut oil do I use, & where to buy them?
That is simple I use these 2 great brands:

  1. Skinny Coconut oil: Medicinal grade Extra Virgin coconut oil 100% pure. (click link for ordering info)
  2. Tropical Traditions Virgin Gold Label Coconut oil. (click link for ordering info)
Both links are affiliate referral links for me to get credit for purchases, I earn a small percentage from Skinny Coconut oil  for referring you if you purchase &  I receive a discount coupons from Tropical Traditions for referring you if you are a first time purchaser.Thank you for your support.

Posts on my blog using amazing coconut oil:

Home page - Link Parties - My Blog - Blog #2

DIY Cleaning Blog Series, cleaning the whole house room by room with homemade cleaners

"Husband Approved" list - "Teen Approved" List - "Family Wishlist

“If you order by clicking on any of my links & order from Tropical Traditions & have never ordered from them in the past, you might receive a free book on Virgin Coconut Oil, & I will receive a discount coupon for referring you"

Do you have a question? Do you want to contact me? It is easy to contact me with your questions. Go here

The information on this site it intended for general inquiry, research & informational purposes only & should not be considered a substitute or replacement for trained medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
I am NOT a doctor, this page is for education & research only, & is NOT intended to be medical advice. Always consult a doctor, your health practitioner or other competent licensed health professional before taking any herbs or supplements, using alternative ideas & for any specific advice about medical treatments.
If you think you, or anyone in your home or who are under your care, are ill or in need medical treatment, please seek the needed medical treatment Any of the information contained in the pages of Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids blog, blog posts, site, Facebook page, Twitter, Pinterest or elsewhere are for information & research only.

Facebook Pages:
You can also follow me on: Pinterest, Google+ & Twitter

- And my daughters blog - Naturally Teen Approved -

Virgin Coconut Oil, Gold Label how to Use Coconut Oil: There are hundreds of uses!
I do accept products to review on my blog
  • My reviews policy: I am sent products to review on my blog and that all opinions are my own. (to contact me to review your product go here)
SmartKlean Laundry ball / Stain remover - Safe - Effective - Saves Money, Water & the Environment. To order a SmartKlean Laundry Ball go here & use my affiliate page.
Thank you for supporting my Facebook pages, Blog & sharing with your friends, Cheree of Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids
By Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids

Blogger giveaways, Mom blogger, Frugal blog, living frugally, Frugal giveaways, Natural giveaways, blog, giveaway

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