
Cloth diaper Odors and Stains removed naturally - DIY homemade recipes.

Natural Cloth Diaper pail Odor remover recipes - Nursery - Baby, stains too.

+Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids 

Diaper pails can get stinky & cloth diapers need soaked to get stains out, the below mixtures work best for most people, if your baby is sensitive stop using the mixture & try another. (for disposable diaper recipes & more ideas for cleaning the  newborn /babies/ toddlers room / Nursery go here) The below 4 recipes can be changed around to suit your needs & are for soaking cloth diapers in a diaper pail or in the washer. You can add the whole amount from the diaper pail into the washer with the cloth diapers & wash as normal. If you add some colloidal silver in with these recipes it would be even better for disinfecting.

Diaper pail odors & soaks #1 
Natural BabyAdd 1/2 to 1 cup of white vinegar to diaper pail with water
Options to add, 5 to 10 drops Lavender or Eucalyptus essential oil

Diaper pail odors & soaks #2 
1/8 cup of Borax per 1 gallon of warm water to soak diapers in the pail.

Diaper pail odors & soaks #3 
1/2 cup lemon juice, 1/4 cup peroxide & warm water to diaper pail.

Diaper pail odors & soaks #4 
1/2 to 1 cup of baking soda either sprinkled over diapers or added to water. (you can also add borax if you prefer)
Options: Sprinkle in tea tree oil or other essential oils like eucalyptus, lavender etc

Washing or pre-soaking baby clothes, bedding & Cloth Diapers etc for Baby
For Washing: Simply use baking soda, Borax &/or Washing soda (make your own washing soda)
Natural safe DIY bleach alternative: For safe whitening for cloth diapers go here
For Pre-Soaking: Use any of the above diaper pail ideas
For stains: Check out A DIY Laundry Room: How to be Green & Healthy
Sour smell out of Nursing Bra: Soak in baking soda & warm water.

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By Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids

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