How to consume raw Coconut oil - Get healthy - Oh so yummy
Have you heard? Taking raw coconut oil can actually be very healthy for you.
Raw coconut oil is not only tasty it packs a powerhouse of health benefits inside & out.
All you have to do is do an internet search to find out what all raw coconut oil can do for you. You can check out my blog posts to begin your search. Oil Pulling for everyone - I am crazy for coconut oil - for allergies - Body butter.Raw coconut oil properties do not change when exposed to heat like olive oil, which makes this oil perfect for baking or frying.

“If you order by clicking on any of my links and have never ordered from Tropical Traditions in the past, you could receive a free book on Virgin Coconut Oil, and I will receive a discount coupon for referring you.”
Lets eat!
Lets get right to it, but I must advise that you start off slow do not jump into taking a bunch of coconut oil daily, start slow & build up gradually. I started at 1/8 a tsp. a day mainly because I am allergic to coconut meat & did not want to push it. I built up to 3 to 5 tbsp. a day but took just over a year to build to that much, so I did it very gradually, but once I got to 3 tbsp. is when I started noticing the weight loss. A benefit to starting off with a low amount & building slow is if you know your body you can tell how much you need, there is no issue if your body only needs 1 tsp. a day, many only take a small amount a day & get great results, so there is no rule that says you must take over a tbsp. you know what you need. (info here)OK there is a recommended amount of raw unrefined coconut oil to take daily by weight, just remember this amount is actually consuming it, so it does not include the amount you cook with, so you can still cook with coconut oil & do not need to try to figure out how much you got that way. Just keep track of how much you take. Also if you have a health concern that your research has showed that coconut oil is good for, you might research further & find you need to take 1 to several tbsp. more a day than whats recommended for your weight . That's what I do, but remember build up slowly & like anything else moderation unless you know you need extra. (go here & here to look at the by weight chart)Coconut oil is a very healthy fat, made up mostly of lauric acid--a highly protective acid found in mother's milk. Coconut oil helps fight free radicals and acts as an antioxdant. It's a completely stable oil and doesn't need to be refrigerated. Because it's semisolid at room temperature, it can also be used as a substitute for butter and shortening. (LiveStrong article here)
But you ask how do you eat oil? Honestly many just eat it right off the spoon, they simply love the taste & crave it & just eat it. Me I am not a eat off the spoon kinda person, I would gag & gag then possibly fall over dead from the sheer horribleness (OK just joking, but I can not eat it straight off the spoon, the only way I can take it right off the spoon is for oil pulling)Raw coconut oil, so many health benefits It is a Super-food!
So if you are like me you need better ways to take raw coconut oil, & here are a few suggestions just to get you started, then I will share more. You can add raw coconut oil to any warm beverage, like coffee, hot tea, fresh ginger tea, vinegar & honey water, lemon water etc. You can also add coconut oil on your bowl of hot cereal such as oatmeal, cream of wheat or even grits. You can spread it on toast, biscuits, muffins or anything you normally would add butter to (not saying real butter is not healthy, because it is, so don't totally replace your real butter, but do avoid margarine).
We also add raw coconut oil to mashed potatoes as we are mashing them with our butter, we eat it on steamed veges, on corn on the cob. Adding it to your veges after they are on your plate & eat, yumm!
Other ways to consume raw coconut oil: Add it to the blender when you make your smoothies or protein shakes, if it is room temp & liquid it can be mixed into your yogurt. You can add it to other foods like rice & grains, drizzle on popcorn, add it to salads.
We also love to make homemade peanut butter with our small food processor & love using raw coconut oil in our recipe (hoping to do an upcoming blog post on making peanut butter)
If you go to "Hybrid Rasta mama's" post she gives lots of ideas for consuming along with some great recipes like candy, the post is here

First how to mix:
I like to use the hand mixer with just one beater on it, & I add my ingredients in a pint or quart jar depending on how much I am making. I add the solid raw coconut oil (solid but not rock hard cold) & other ingredients in the jar & leave several inches room from the top of the jar & blend right inside the jar for about 3 minutes whipping up into a butter mixture. Then I simply add another scoop if needed of the raw coconut oil & mix again for a minute or 2, when finished just screw the lid on, the only clean up is the one beater. So you are mixing right in your storing container. Does not need to be refrigerated but can melt if it gets to warm.In the below butter mixtures I do not give amounts, so go by your own tastes & likes, but for my family usually 3/4 of the amount is coconut oil.
Butter mixture #1: Just simply mix solid raw coconut oil & real virgin olive oil
Butter mixture #2: Mix solid raw coconut oil & palm shortening or another favorite healthy unrefined oil.
Butter mixture #3: Mix Solid raw coconut oil with slightly softened real butter
Butter mixture #4: Mix solid raw coconut oil with raw (local) honey, you can add the softened real butter to this also.
Butter mixture #5: Mix solid raw coconut butter with natural unrefined pink Himalayan salt.
Butter mixture #6: Mix solid raw coconut oil, cinnamon & unrefined sugar, options to add, softened real butter, Other healthy unrefined oils of choice, raw (local) honey, ground cloves, ground ginger etc.
Butter mixture #7: Mix the solid raw coconut oil with your favorite essential oil (make sure the essential oils you have can be consumed)
Butter mixture #8: Mix solid raw coconut oil with your favorite fresh or dried herbs & spices.
Butter mixture #9: Get creative & mix up your favorite & share it with us.
For my body butter recipes go here.
Ok it is time to get eating & spreading the coconut oil love!
The information on this site it intended for general inquiry, research & informational purposes only & should not be considered a substitute or replacement for trained medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Facebook Page: Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kidsYou can also follow me on: Pinterest & Twitter & Google
- Referral links: Gold Label Virgin Coconut oil, Green label Virgin coconut oil, Palm Oil, Palm shortening, Extra Virgin Olive oil, Organic Sesame oil, Coconut water Vinegar, Organic Apple cider vinegar, Balsamic vinegar Pink Himalayan salt, Organic spices.
“If you order by clicking on any of my links & order from Tropical Traditions & have never ordered from them in the past, you might receive a free book on Virgin Coconut Oil, & I will receive a discount coupon for referring you"
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- Cheree of Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids_______________________________________________________
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