
DIY Recipes - Kitchen/Bathroom - Soft scrub - Scrubbing Powder

DIY Recipes - Soft scrub - Scrubbing Powder - Bathroom - Kitchen.

baking soda

DIY recipes that are easy & effective, & can also be customized to fit your needs. DIY Soft scrub & DIY scrubbing powder, both great for sinks, counters, toilets, tubs, faucets, shower & so on.

DIY Soft scrub
1 cup of baking soda
1/4 cup of natural liquid soap of choice
1 tbsp. peroxide
1 tbsp water
10 to 15 drops of lemon essential oil (optional, but works great at removing rust & lime)
10 to 15 drops eucalyptus essential oil (optional but works great to remove grime & soap scum)
Mix together & store in an old soft scrub bottle or jar with sealing lid (if to thick for squeeze bottle add extra peroxide), use just like soft scrub, the eucalyptus really cleans scum & grim, the scrubbing power of baking soda cleans better than harsh abrasives, lemon cleans calcium deposits, peroxide is a whitener/brightener. Great for tubs, sinks, faucets, toilets, tile, shower doors anywhere there are water spots & lime deposits & more scrubbing power is needed.
Options: to make a thicker paste gradually add salt & corn starch & store in a tub or jar with sealing lid.
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hand wash baking soda
DIY scrubbing powder:
Use an empty parmesan cheese shaker
fill 1/2 container with baking soda
1/4 container with Borax
1/4 container with washing soda (or powdered oxygen bleach)
15 drops of essential oil of choice (optional)
Add to shaker making sure to leave enough room to shake the container. Use a fork to work essential oil in, then screw on lid & mix the powders, use the fork again if needed. Optional to add: either salt or Epsom salt
Can be used just like Comet & Bon-Ami etc.
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