
My 13 year old's Favorite DIY natural liquid dish-washing soap recipe - Antibacterial too

DIY antibacterial liquid dish soap

My 13 year old daughter is totally into DIY with me. We do not have a dishwasher right now so must wash dishes by hand. She likes to wash dishes only if the soap works the way she wants it to. So she has tried
several recipes but this one is her favorite. She says it cleans & keeps her hands soft. She kinda combined ideas she read about & created her favorite combo.

My 13 year old's Favorite DIY natural liquid dish-washing soap recipe - Antibacterial too

How to:

in an empty dish soap bottle mix, 
2 cups hot water, 
1/2 cup of Tropical Traditions Dish Liquid
1 & 1/2 tbsp of baking soda 
1 to 2 tbsp of grated Fels-Naptha
2 to 3 drops of Tea Tree oil or Lavender essential oil (or both, they are both naturally antibacterial) optional.
Shake bottle several times until water is cooled, it should be mixed well by then.

Options: use another natural liquid soap - 2 more tbsp of dish liquid - 1 tbsp of Borax or Washing soda - to make an awesome antibacterial soap add 2 tbsp of colloidal silver - use 2 drops of lemon, orange or another citrus essential oil for more cleaning power - you do not have to use any essential oils - add 1 tbs of lemon juice -  instead of grated soap add extra liquid soap.

My daughter also added a bit of Dawn dish soap to the one pictured, but she prefers the recipe with just the Tropical Traditions dish liquid in it.

The information on this site it intended for general inquiry, research & informational purposes only & should not be considered a substitute or replacement for trained medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
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